
The Evidence Of God In Your Life

Good Friday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s doing well this beautiful morning that the Lord has made. Giving us another wonderful opportunity to come before Him with all of our praise and thanksgiving. Thank You Jesus.

This blog was supposed to be for Thursday and I thought it posted but I realized this morning it did not post. So, it will be today’s blog instead of Friday’s Prayer.

Well, I am back on the truck with my husband and on the road again, in which sometimes my signals are a little slow coming in or may not come in at all. This morning there was a problem with my trying to log into my blog site and I had to contact tech support and get the problem fixed, which was on their end. So, this is why I am posting my blog a little late today and I do apologize for that.

Now, we can move into what I wanted to talk to your about today. Yesterday, it was kind of windy and we were sitting at a red light as I was watching the limbs and leaves on this little tree blowing around really hard. As I was looking at this I thought about how I could not see the wind but I could see the evidence of the wind because of the way it affected the little tree. Which of course brought another thought to mind about seeing the evidence of God in our lives.

We cannot see God physically but we know He is there because we see the evidence of Him being there. Just like the wind blowing the trees, we can’t see the wind but we can see the evidence of the wind by the way it is blowing the leaves on the trees and other things around. If God is in your life, then the evidence of Him should be seen in your walk, in your talk, the way you treat people, the type of attitude you have, your personality, the way you do your job, the way you treat your spouse, the way you raise your children, the kind of friends you have, the places you go and the way you carry yourself. The list could go on and on. In one of my devotions I was reading, it described it like this, “the invisible (God) moving in the visible (us). That put it very plain and simple and that is why if you belong to God the way you confess that you do, then the evidence of Him being in your life should be there and it should be seen. If you can’t see any evidence of God being there, you might want to check your relationship with Him, it might need some adjusting. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the praise and glory that belongs to You. Help us to live our lives in a way that shows evidence of You being in us. Help us to live the way You have instructed us to live and to be obedient to Your Word. Amen