
The Importance Of Family Time

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend and made sure our Dad’s had a wonderful Father’s Day. Showing them how much they are loved and appreciated every day. Praise God.

Well, this morning I am in Waxahachie, Tx at my oldest daughters beautiful home. So, I was up this morning bright and early to do my morning walk and talk with my Heavenly Father. Walking around this huge backyard was a little more of a workout than walking on the country road I walked on for 2 months, but I still enjoyed it just the same. My little red bird friend wasn’t there to greet me, but there were a lot of beautiful country sounds, trees, sunshine, a cool breeze and fresh air. Meeting with God this morning for my walk was truly amazing.

As you all know, I have been on the truck with my husband since the 1st of January. It has been a lot of fun being with him everyday, because he would be away from home like 3 months at a time before coming home for a couple of weeks. So, we have really been enjoying our time together. Although, making the decision to be on the truck with him takes me away from all of the people I love and spend time with. It was really hard for me the first few weeks because I was only able to talk with them on the phone and I would miss being there with them even more, especially my grandbabies and my great-grandbaby. This is why whenever they need me to get off the truck for whatever they need me for, I am there.

So, when I went to my In-Loves in the country, I was there for about 1 1/2 months then my husband came and we were there for another couple of weeks then back on the truck. I had a chance to see all of my children, my grandchildren and my great-grandbaby, it was wonderful. I am sharing this with you as to say, family is so very important. Always make time to see, spend time with and get together with your family.

This is why it is so important to give your life to Jesus and accept him into your heart. Becoming a member of God’s family is the best thing you will ever do in your entire lifetime. If your family makes you happy and is a joy in your life the way it should be. Just imagine how much joy there would be in your life being in His family. When I stop and think about it that way, how could you not want all of that. Just as our children learn all things from being a part of a loving family, the same is true for us as we are a part of God’s family through Jesus Christ. We accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and the Holy Spirit begins to teach us all things. We learn about this beautiful family relationship through reading and studying our Bible and spending time with God and Jesus.

So, I know my blog this morning was a little different than it normally is, I guess I was in my feelings because of the beautiful morning I am having. Sitting out here on this gorgeous patio, cool breeze blowing and writing my blog. Beautiful. Just remember, make time for your earthly family and your Heavenly family. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come before You this morning as humble as we know how in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Thanking You for accepting us and allowing us to be a part of Your family through Your Son Jesus Christ. We are ever so grateful for the families You have blessed us with here on earth, we are more grateful for the Heavenly family You have adopted us into. Thank You and we live You so much. Amen