
The World’s GPS or God’s GPS, Your Choice

Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having an awesome week and following instructions and being obedient to God. Praise His Holy Name.

I am sure we all at some point have used a GPS, there is probably one in your car. I heard a Pastor talking about his wife using the GPS in her car and still sometimes misses or makes a wrong turn. Then the GPS will reroute her to get her back on track. My husband uses the GPS on his phone when needing directions to a lot of places where he picks up and delivers. I have a GPS in my car as well, in which I don’t really ever use it because I don’t go anywhere different, same places all of the time. So, we are all familiar with the GPS.

Well, I went a little bit further to find out what GPS stood for and all of the functions and this is what I found. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a U.S. owned utility that provides users with positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) services. This system consists of three segments: the space segment, the control segment, and the user segment. So, if you did not know what a GPS is and how it is used, you do now.

So, as I was listening to this Pastor talking about his wife using the GPS in her car and still sometimes misses and makes wrong turns. He said the GPS not once starts to get angry with her and just leaves her stranded. No, it immediately gives her a new route to get her back on track. Then he said, kind of like how God does us. When he said that, all sorts of things started going through my head for my blog today. I started to think about a GPS from God and what would it be called. If the world had a GPS then what if God had a GPS for His children and I thought of the perfect name for it. God’s GPS would be called God’s Perfect System and it could do all that the world’s GPS could do and more. When you stop and think about it, as a Christian we already have God’s Perfect System (GPS) in place, we just sometimes don’t use it as we should.

Just as the world’s GPS can direct you, tell you which way to go, when and where to make a turn, if you should turn left or right and when you make it to your destination. Then if you miss a turn or make a wrong turn, it will redirect you from where you are and give you new directions. It doesn’t start to tell you that you made a mistake and that you are on your own. Because as long as it is on, it always knows where you are at your exact location. Now, who does that sound like to you? Exactly, our Heavenly Father. To be honest, God had His GPS in place long before the world invented theirs and God’s cannot be duplicated. He was positioning us, navigating and timing us way before the world thought they were coming up with something original. Sorry, it had already been done and in place and not just to direct vehicles, but the children of God.

As we are on this journey, God has always directed us, guided us, leads us, tells us where to go and where not to go, where to turn and where not to turn, when to go and when to stop and just be still, when to speak and when not to speak, when to move and when not to move. He has always had His (GPS) God’s Perfect System in place, from the moment you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. He has never left you and He has never stopped talking to you, sometimes we just do listen or pay attention and sometimes we don’t even turn God’s GPS on. Why, because we think we can navigate our lives better, but then we miss and make wrong turns and have to start all over again. Even when we have God’s GPS on, and we still make a mistake. He doesn’t just shake His head, throw up His hands and say I give up on this one. No, He’s right there to start with us again and again and again, until we get it right. He is a loving and forgiving God and He never leaves us or forsakes us ever. Deuteronomy 31:8 reads, “The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.

So, it’s great to have a GPS in your car in order for you not to get lost in unfamiliar places and can be redirected if you do. It is even more critical for you to have God’s Perfect System (GPS) for your life and your Christian walk on this journey. Remember, He knows all that you do not know, He sees all that you do not see and He is every where you have been, where you are right now and where you are going. Keep God’s Perfect System turned on and stay on the path He has for you. God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You this morning in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the honor, praise and glory that belongs to You and thanking You for who You are in our lives. Thank You for leading, guiding and guarding us daily, ordering our steps as we go. You are such a good and gracious God and Father and we love You so much for all You do in our lives. Help us to always follow Your instructions and be obedient to Your Word, no matter whether we understand or not. Amen