
There’s Good In Everything

Good Wednesday Afternoon Blog Family. Looking out my backdoor this morning at the beautiful bright sunshine, the white fluffy clouds against the blue sky and hearing the birds chirping. It makes me think about how good God is and how much He loves us. Even in the midst of this pandemic, He still paints beautiful pictures to warm our hearts and put a smile on our faces. He always has His children in mind as any good Father would. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise His Holy Name.

I always try to find the good and the positive in everything, not always looking at the bad and the negative. No matter what the situation or how bad it is, there is always something good in it. It may be something very small, you just have to look for it because it is there. Because if you will let it, the good will out weigh the bad every time. Just like with this coronavirus all over the world. It’s a bad thing but there are some good things coming out of it. Families are being able to spend much needed time together, children are having to be at home and not in the streets, husbands and wives are seeing each other more and spending time together, people all over the world are turning to God and coming together globally as the Body of Christ we should be, people are reaching out to others and helping when and where they can. We are seeing all of these good and positive things because of a world wide pandemic. What the enemy meant for evil, God turned it around for good. Genesis 50:20 reads, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today.” Everyone that contracts this virus, does not always die. They recover and walk away, whole, healthy, healed and complete in Jesus. Hallelujah!

Another very good example of the good and positive found in a very sad situation. When my Mom went home to be with the Lord June 9, 2019, my whole world fell apart. I was lost and I honestly did not know what to do. But God!!! When I married my husband 18 years ago, God blessed me with the most wonderful and loving In-Loves in the world. So, at that point I had two Mothers and a Father. Because my Mother and Father-in-Loves loved and treated me as if they were my biological parents. They became my second Mom and Dad. At my Mom’s Memorial Service, that was so hard and heart breaking for me. I was feeling kind of numb, like this was not real and I would wake up from this bad dream and everything would be ok, but that was not the case. But in the midst of my hurt and pain, I looked up and saw my Father-in-Love hobbling through the door on a painful and bandaged up foot, only one shoe on. All I could do was hug him, because my second Dad was there and I was so glad to see him. He will never know how much him being there meant to me that day. When I really needed him , he was there. My Mother-in-Love couldn’t come due to some health issues, but I knew she would have been there is she could have. Even in the midst of me losing my Mom, God made sure I had another set of parents that would love me as their own.

That’s how God is. He loves us so much that He wants what is best for us. He does’t want to see us hurt and in pain and if we let Him, He will make it better. As much as I miss my own Mom and Dad, I am so thankful to God for blessing me with a second Mom and Dad. As I said, there is something good and positive to be found in everything, no matter how bad it may seem. You just have to look for it, because that’s how God works. Ask God to open your eyes to see things through His eyes, and He will. Then you will be able to see the good and positive in everything through the eyes of our Heavenly Father. God Bless 🙂


  • willie moore

    we love it william just smile I had to read all of it to him he say that my sweetie
    please send this any way

  • willie moore

    we love it william just smile I had to read all of it to him he say that my sweetie
    please send this any way