
Time For a Good Book

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone had a great weekend and ready for a brand new week full of God’s grace and mercy. Thank You Jesus.

I have been reading this book for the past few days by Max Lucado, one of my favorite Christian authors. Not only is he an awesome writer, he is also a Pastor of a church in San Antonio, so I love to hear him teach the as well as read his books. I am presently reading his book that is 3 books titled, The Great House Of God, Just Like Jesus and When Christ Comes. I have read the first book, The Great House Of God which was so amazing how he took each room of the house and paired it up with our relationships with God. I had never heard it put that way and it was so understanding and brought a lot of things to my attention. It was really, really good and enlightening.

Now, I am reading the second book, Just Like Jesus and let me tell you, I am in the middle of it and it is so good. Now, don’t misunderstand what I am saying. I read my Bible and my devotions everyday, but I also read other Christian literature by Christian authors. When I sit down and read other books, it gives me different ways to look at things and think about things as I compare it to what the Bible says. If you are reading books by true Christian authors, they will have the Bible scripture listed in the book for your research. I am one of those people that loves to read trust me, I read a lot.

Now, that I have shared all of that with you, it’s just to put some other studies on your mind and heart. You may be like me and enjoy reading and learning new things. Life is a journey and we never get too old to learn, and the more we learn the more we grow. Just make sure you are reading things that will help you grow on your journey and in your Christian walk. Even if you don’t have time to sit down and actually open up a book and read it, there are ways you can listen to it with audio books. You can turn it on, and listen while you are doing whatever you are doing. Whenever I am listening to audio, it is usually my praise and worship music or a good Word from one of the many Pastors and Bible Teachers I listen to.

So, sometime when you are sitting around with nothing to do or having a little quiet time. Pick up a good Christian based book and do some good reading. Now, my first choice of reading of course is my Bible, but there are other good books out there that will tug at your heart too. As long as you are reading or listening to Christian and Biblical based things, it helps to keep your mind on God and things above. Now, that’s something to think about, right? Picture this, sitting outside on a beautiful day, with a nice cold drink (not alcoholic) and a good book or some good praise and worship music, spending that time with Jesus. It is amazing, and I can say that because I have been there and will be there again sometime today. Let that be your next me time or quiet time, you will be so glad you did. God Bless 🙂

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