
Trust In The Lord At All Times

Good Tuesday Morning Blog Family. I pray that your day started with you going before the Father. I find this is the best way to have a truly blessed day in the Lord. Praise God.

I know that I have posted blogs in the past about trusting in God. When I blog about some things more than once, it is because it is very important. Trusting in God is something I can’t talk about too much because we should be doing this everyday all day. Trusting Him in everything and with everything. Reading His Holy Word and following all of His instructions to us, being obedient.

It is so easy for us to trust God when things are going the way that pleases us and we are getting the things that we want. What about when things in your life are not going according to your plans and life isn’t so pleasant, do you still trust God? Trusting God all of the time means trusting Him in the bad times as well as the good times in your life. Trusting Him no matter what, trusting Him when you don’t see a way out, trusting Him when you are not being healed, trusting Him when your marriage is falling apart, trusting Him when you have more bills than money, trusting Him when your children are out of control, trusting Him when food is low. No matter what we go through, there is nothing too hard for God and He will see you through it all if you just trust Him through it all.

I have said it before and I will say it again. This is why it is so important for you to read and study your Bible on a daily basis. God teaches us in His Word how to trust Him in all things, trusting in Him the way He wants us to trust in Him. How are you going to know how to do things God’s way if you don’t get in the Bible and find out. There is nothing you will come up against in this life that God has not already provided an answer for. You just have to believe what He says in His Word and trust Him. His Word does not return to Him void. Isaiah 55:11 reads, “So shall My Word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” So, just trust Him.

I would like to leave you with one more scripture reading and tha is Psalm 62:5-8 in which I have listed below.

Psalm 62:5-8

Yes, my soul, find rest in God;
    my hope comes from him.
Truly he is my rock and my salvation;
    he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God[a];
    he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in him at all times, you people;
    pour out your hearts to him,
    for God is our refuge.

Children of God, our Father loves us very much and He will take very good care of us if you will allow Him to. He doesn’t force Himself on anyone, it’s our choice. We just need to believe what He says, obey what He says and trust in Him at all times. God Bless 🙂


Father, we come to you in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving all of ourselves to You and trusting in Your Holy Word. Help us to be children after our Father’s heart. Keeping You in everything we do. Thank You and we love You. Amen