
Use The Original Recipe – The Bible

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray all of you had a safe and blessed weekend and ready to start a new week in the Lord. Enjoying this cool and rainy weather that He has provided, which is very much needed. Thank You Jesus,

During the beginning of the pandemic, when churches were being closed and doing church on line. I did my online church with a Pastor my Mom had told me about . His name is Pastor Dharius Daniels and he is very good. This is the same Pastor my husband and I have our Sunday morning church with on the truck. So, Sunday morning I was watching him and he did an illustration that I have to share with you this morning.

He was talking about how we as Christians will sometimes try and add and take away from what God has given us, the Bible. We start out doing what the Word says, then we will add a little something of our own or take away a little something we may not like. Then we wonder why things don’t work out. So, he took some cake mix, an egg, some butter and some milk, following the directions on the cake mix box. Which when baked would have made a good cake. Then he went on to add some black beans, some rice and a little dirt and continued to mix it all up together. Now, if he had baked the adjusted cake mixture, it would not have been good at all. Why, because he got away from the original recipe and added extra stuff that was not included in the original recipe. I thought that was a very good illustration.

Now, I don’t know about you so I can only speak about myself. There have been times that I know I have been instructed to do something one way and I choose to do it another way. The first thing that would come to mind when it doesn’t work out is, I should have done what I was instructed to do. I am sure we have all been guilty one time or another, thinking we could handle a situation better than God or we make a move without consulting God first. Just like that cake with the extra ingredients that were not needed, we have to follow the original recipe for our lives which is the Bible. We can’t add and we can’t take away from, it is perfect as is. Deuteronomy 4:2 reads, “Do nod add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you.” So, there you have it straight from the Word of God.

We can’t add things that we like and we can’t take away things we don’t like, we cannot and should not adjust the Word of God to fit our lifestyle. God knows what we need before we even know what we need. He knows what is better for us better than we know ourselves. A good Father always knows what is best for His children and that is the way God takes care of us, because He knows us and what we need and don’t need. So, when you read your Bible, make sure to do exactly what you are instructed to do without adding to it or taking away.

Start noticing and paying attention to things going on in your life. Are things working out good for you or not working out that great? If your prayer life is not what you feel it should be, check yourself as far as following instructions and being obedient to the original recipe, which is your Bible. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You this morning in the Mighty Name of Jesus as Your children. Giving You all of the praise and honor that belongs to You. Thanking You for everything and all things that You do for us everyday as a loving Father. Help us to do what You instruct us to do in Your Word, not to add to or take away from and be obedient. Thank You and we love You. Amen