
Wake Up Call

Good Afternoon Blog Family. I pray everyone is doing well and still in good Spirits. Having your daily time and prayer with our Heavenly Father every morning and through out the day. If you do not spend time with God in prayer, now is a good time to start. Praise the name of Jesus.

I just want to speak a little bit this afternoon about your salvation and your relationship with God. I know that everyone is concerned about the coronavirus pandemic and you should be. In order to follow government guidelines that have been set in place. Because even though we pray and stay connected to God, He does give us commons sense to follow instructions set in place by the law.

I am also praying that you have gotten your house in order and right with God. This is a very serious time that we are in right now and things are not as simple as we are used to. As Christians, this is a time to come together in prayer. Because when you look at all of this, God is the only one that can get us through this. If you are keeping up with the news updates from all over the world, God is our only answer. 2 Chronicles 7:14 reads, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways, then I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

No, God did not do this or put this on us, that is not the kind of God we serve. Although, He will allow things to happen to get our attention. A lot of people have turned away from God and doing their own things. Some churches are not doing what they are supposed to be doing in God’s sight. Same sex marriages have been approved by some states and teaching kids in school that it’s ok to be interested in the same sex. Children being abused and killed by their own parents and I could go on and on. This world is a mess and God is not happy with the way things are going. This is not who He made His children to be.

So, my advise to everyone is to ask God to forgive us for our sins and lets get it right this time. We have all sinned in some way or another and no one sin is greater than the other, sin is sin in God’s eyes. If you told a lie, that is sin. If you killed someone, that is sin. One is no greater than the other, they are both sin. Romans 3:23 reads, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” and all means everybody. It’s time to get right with God and do this the way He has instructed us to do it in His Word. God is a loving and forgiving God and we are people in need of love and forgiveness.

We say we are Christians and that we belong to God, we are His children. Then guess what? We need to act like we are His children and make our Father proud. God Bless 🙂