
Walk What You Talk

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Praying that everyone’s having a great and awesome week so far. Enjoying this beautiful weather we have had since the rain stopped. I already have little flowers and honey bees in my back yard, so we know Spring is close by. Thank You Jesus.

I have a question for you this morning, one of those questions that will make you stop and think. Maybe it will even make you stop and take a look at your life and how you are living it. As a Christian, a representative of our Heavenly Father, does your life speak what you read and say to others? You know how quick we are to give someone good biblical advice about their situations. Are we taking that same advice and living it, can others see the fruit in our lives? Do they see the benefits in your life from walking with the Lord and allowing Him to lead and guide you?

When we give our life to Jesus and confess that we belong to Him, does it show in our day to day life? I once heard someone say, if you are a true Christian, you won’t have to go around announcing it because it will show. That comes from taking what the Word of God is giving you and living it everyday. Living it at home, at work, at church, at the grocery store, at school, even in your own yard. You don’t change when you are around certain people or in certain places, you are the same all of the time.

Does your family see you walk and talk what they see you read and study every day? Can your children honestly say when I grow up I want to be like Mom or Dad? Would they want to marry someone just like you, because of your walk and talk in the Lord? Do you preach one thing to your spouse and you walk and talk to a different tune? Sometimes we get so caught up in this everyday life, we just follow along with the worlds way of doing things. We need to take the time to slow down and listen for that still, small voice. That quiet voice that instructs us, leads and guides us through our day. The same still small voice that spoke to Elijah in 1 Kings 19:11-13 which reads, “(11) Then He said, “Go out, and stand on the mountain before the Lord.” And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into he mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; (12) and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.”

It is very good to take the time and read and study your Bible everyday, but don’t just read it. Take away from it and apply it to your life and live it, allow the Word to come alive in you. God will speak to you through His Word if you listen for Him. Read your Bible expecting to hear from God and get answers to prayers you have prayed. He will show you and tell you whatever it is you are needing to see and know. Don’t be a flip flop Christian, flipping and flopping back and forth between God’s way and the worlds way. Walk and talk God’s way and if you are not doing so, start to WALK in the WORD that you read and TALK about. WALK WHAT YOU TALK. God Bless 🙂