
Walking And Talking With God

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray you all had a wonderful weekend and a Happy 4th of July, however you may have celebrated. I had the joy of keeping my little Aria this weekend and we had a good time. She is 3 and she kept me on my toes at all times, a good workout, lol. Thank You Jesus.

Every morning at 8:00 and every evening at 7:30 my 10 year old Granddaughter Chanell and I go walking. We walk 2 1/2 miles total per day. In the evening my 14 year old Grandson Quinton walks with us and we have a fun time while exercising. Our daily walks takes place around the lake and it is so beautiful, all of the trees, the separate ponds full of turtles that we have named Turtle Town, lol. There are other people walking, running, riding bikes, fishing and having fun.

To me, being outside in the midst of God’s creations are so amazing. You hear the birds singing, the butterflies fluttering, the turtles bobbing their heads up and down in the water, and hearing all of the beautiful sounds of being at the lake. Walking and feeling the cool breeze, feeling the sunshine and smelling the flowers. I tell you, early in the morning and late in the evening, there’s no other place I would rather be. I feel closer to God during those little walks and sometimes I even have a small conversation with Him. Just taking the time to thank Him for the day, our safety and protection, how awesome the day is and thanking Him for allowing us to be a part of it. Thanking Him for who He is and just enjoying Him.

I have to share this little testimony with you that happened during one of our evening walks. When we left to go to the lake, it was a little cloudy and the breeze was cool. By the time we made it to the lake, the sun was beaming and the breeze was gone. So, as we started to walk around the lake, I aske my Heavenly Father for a little cloudiness and a cool breeze to help us on our walk, because it had become really hot. While walking I noticed that I began to feel a light sprinkle every now and then, but it was not raining. So, then there appeared a cloud over us along with a light breeze. We then noticed the light sprinkle was coming from the cloud along with the cool breeze and it as cooling our walk around the lake. My Grandkids noticed what was going on too, so I just started praising and thanking God for the cloud, the sprinkle and the breeze. It was so amazing and I am so glad the kids got to be a part of that and see God at work. My Granddaughter said, just as we finished our walk and got back to the car, the sun came back out. So, they know we had the favor of God during our evening walk. It was truly, truly amazing.

So, if you don’t already, try getting out in the midst of God’s creations with Him and enjoy what He has given us. I started out walking for the exercise, now I do it for the exercise and the walk in the cool of the day with my Heavenly Father and my Grandkids. These are the types of memories they will carry with them no matter how old they are and wherever they may go. Knowing that they too can walk in the cool of the day with God and have an awesome conversation with Him and watch Him work. God is amazing and so loving and I so enjoy the time I spend with Him, whether walking or at home, it’s amazing. So, get out and spend some time with God outside and be mentally, physically and spiritually blessed. You will be so glad you did.

As the old hymn ” In The Garden” says: And He walks with me, And He talks with me, And He tells me I am His own. And the joy we share as we tarry there, None other has ever known.” God Bless πŸ™‚


  • Sedricka Robinson

    Yes this is why I love my backyard the peace I have I have is amazing until I seen a bat now I have to pray alil harder before I go outside πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • Minister Patrick

    Praise God! Enjoyed your testimony, ” Around the lake with God. ” Amen! Grandkids, telling how they walk with the Lord! Under his cloud. Thank you for sharing.