
Whatever God Instructs You To Do, Just Be Obedient

Good Thursday Afternoon Blog Family. I pray everyone’s having a safe and blessed day today and trusting God all of the way. I woke up to a nice cloudy morning and it is so soothing and enjoyable, not too cool or too warm, just right. God knows just what we need at the time we need it and I am so glad He does. Praise His Holy Name.

So, we all know who Jonah is in the Bible and we all know his story. Just in case you don’t, I will give you a little bit of it and then you can go and read the Book of Jonah when you have time. God had given Jonah some instructions to go to the town of Nineveh and preach to the wicked people that lived there. Well, Jonah decided that was not what he wanted to do and he disobeyed God and went the other direction to the town of Tarshish. Long story short, he hitched a ride on a boat with some sailors and they ended up throwing him into the sea because of all he trouble he was bringing them on the boat. After he was thrown into the ocean he was swallowed up by a large fish. Now we all know the sailors decision to throw Jonah in the ocean and a large fish swallowing him up didn’t just happen. God had a play in all of this and it was all because of Jonah’s disobedience to God.

How many times have God instructed us to do something and we disobey Him. Maybe because we don’t understand or it doesn’t make sense or it’s just not something that we want to do. So, we make that terrible decision to disobey God. Now, we have put ourselves in a position just as Jonah did, for God to force us to do what He told us to do. Now, in the days of Jonah, him being swallowed up by a fish was bad. In our day and times, there is no telling what we may have to go through when we disobey God. To be honest with you, I don’t want to find out. I would rather just be obedient and enjoy the blessings that will follow. Because in the end, you will end up doing what God instructed you to do whether you want to or nor, just like Jonah.

Jonah thought that if he disobeyed God and ran from Him that He would be released from his assignment. He should have known that running from God after he disobeyed would only lead to destruction and it did. Not only did Jonah bring trouble upon himself, he also brought trouble to the people around him. After the sailors had thrown him into the ocean and the fish swallowed him up, then he cries out to God to save him from the belly of the fish. Now, he would not have been in this situation if he had only obeyed God. Because after all that he went through running from God, he still ended up doing exactly what God had instructed him to do from the very beginning. He ended up going to Nineveh and preaching as God had instructed him to do. He could have saved himself a lot of trouble is he had just been obedient.

We have to realize that whatever God instructs us to do it needs to be done and He has chosen you to do it. God knows things that we do not know and He sees things we do not see. We may not understand our instructions or why He has asked us to do. It does not matter, just do it anyway. Being obedient to God is all that matters, no matter what He tells you to do. This also lets God know how much you actually trust Him, because we are so quick to say how much we trust Him. When you can do whatever He instructs you to do and you just do it without even thinking about it, that’s trusting God. That’s the place we all need to be in. Don’t be a Jonah and be disobedient and run, just be obedient and be blessed. God Bless 🙂


Father God, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Giving You all of the honor, glory and praise that is all Yours. We ask You to forgive us for the times that we have been disobedient to Your Word and Your instructions. Help us to be obedient at all times in whatever instructions You may give us. Thank You and Amen.