
When God Calls, Just Say Yes

While reading my devotion about God speaking to and calling people in the Bible. God called people to do things that were highly impossible in their own knowledge and strength. But with God’s help they were very victorious in all they were instructed to do. Because God does not give us anything to do that He does not first equip us to do. Ephesians 4:13 reads, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

This brought back to remembrance of when God called me years ago. I was told that God had placed a calling on my life and that I was to minister to His abused children. I was told about things I was praying about no one had any way of knowing, no one but God. So, I knew God was talking to me through this woman that I had never seen before. I remember talking to my Mom about what happened and what I was told. My question to her was, how do I know when? She said, God will let you know when, so just wait on Him, and don’t get ahead of Him.

So, with that being said, I waited. Then things started happening in my life that I could not explain and I knew it was God. He started to put strangers in my path to minister to. My living room was always full of teenagers doing Bible Study. Co-workers would always be in my office talking to me about things that would require me to minister to or pray for them. He has allowed me to start up Bible Studies on the job that was approved by the President of the the company. Putting together and teaching weekend Christian Couples Retreats. He placed on my heart to start a Women’s Ministry at my church, in which my Pastor said yes. I was given instructions to start this Christian blog, things I have little knowledge of doing on my own, but it’s being done through me, by Him.

All I did was say “Yes” when He called and I am still saying yes today. Being called by God is such an honor and He get’s all the Glory. To know that He loves me and trust me enough to work for Him. So when He calls, just say yes and wait on Him, be obedient and follow His instructions. You will be so glad that you did, I am. Luke 1:37 reads, “For with God nothing will be impossible.” God Bless 🙂

One Comment

  • Sedricka Robinson

    This is so true I am still learning to wait on God and trust him I know his path will always be the right way….So my saying is Ima sit on the passanger side and let God drive☺☺