
When God’s Answer Is No

Happy Monday to everyone. I would like to apologize for a late post today, but I was having air conditioner repairs done. Now, I can move on to better things, since it’s cool in the house once again.

Can you remember a time that you were praying and asking God for something that you did not receive? Or maybe you were praying about a situation that did not turn out like you expected it to? Praying for that person to become your husband or wife and they just walked out of your life. Expecting to get that raise and promotion, but it went to your co-worker instead.

We have to understand that God knows things that we do not know and He sees things that we do not see. He knows what we need and what we do not need. He knows what is good for us and what is not good for us. God looks at things a lot deeper than we do and He looks at the long term, when we are looking at the right now.

God knows that person you are praying to be your husband or wife is not who He has for you. He knows that the promotion and raise you are praying for will only keep you away from Him and your family even more. Knowing those expensive toys you are praying about, you cannot afford them. God knows you and your childhood friend becoming business partners is a very bad idea and you will lose everything.

So, be thankful that a lot of times God’s answer is no. His no’s could be saving your life or saving you from a lifetime of trouble, heartache and pain. Be grateful that God loves you enough to not give you everything you ask for. He is looking out for your best interest, even when you are not. He always gives you what you need and sometimes what you want. God Bless 🙂