
When It Gets Hard Don’t Quit

Good Thursday Morning Blog Family and Happy Thursday to you. What an awesome God we serve and I am so thankful I belong to Him. I know without even asking that you feel the same way. I pray everyone’s staying safe and warm in this winter weather that is upon us once again. Praise God.

While being out here on the road with my husband, I have seen and learned so much. It’s almost like there is a message in everything I see, good or bad. I think I shared with you in a past blog that I truly try to see God in everything and sometimes He makes Himself known to me in many ways. I can see a certain thing and He will drop something in my Spirit that I was not even thinking about, pertaining to something I just saw. There is a lesson in everything and I am soaking it all up. He is an amazing God and I just love the relationship I have with Him.

Well, I would like to take you on a little short journey with my husband and I to share what God said to me. So, Monday night we left Saginaw, Tx on our way to Reno, Nevada and in the midst of this trip we ran into a very nasty thunderstorm. It was raining so hard, the windshield wipers could not even keep up with the rain. The visibility was horrible, we couldn’t even see the road we were driving on in front of us. It was lightening so bad, it would just light up the entire sky with each lightening bolt. I told my husband maybe we should pull over and He said “that would not be a good idea because someone could come through and not see us and run into us.” So, he proceeded to keep going at a very slow pace and after a while, we ran out of the storm. Praise God.

So. on Tuesday as we were going into New Mexico and Arizona, we had to deal with very, very high winds. These winds were so strong that the truck felt like it was tilting when it blew under it and it made a very loud noise, very scary. As Gary drove along with the wind rocking the truck and at sometimes, even pushing it to one side. He continued to drive as I continued to pray and once again, we finally made it through all of the wind. We passed a lot of big trucks and vehicles that had pulled over on the side of the road and just stopped because the wind was too much for them. I told Gary as we were being rocked by this wind, I was sitting over there singing a praise and worship song in the midst of the wind. I was immediately taken to the boat the disciples were in being tossed back and forth by the wind and Jesus was laying there asleep in Matthew 4:35-41. When the disciples became terrified they woke Jesus and asked Him “don’t You care if we drown? Jesus then got up and rebuked the winds and told the waves to be still.” This is what I thought about while we were in the storm and I was sitting there singing praise and worship. Praise God.

When we got over into Arizona we ran into the snow and ice storm and it was bad. The roads were covered and it was at times a white out. All we could see was white snow blowing, visibility was not that great and the roads were really bad. So, as we traveled on very slowly, it seemed to start to get worse and going on just a little bit further, we ran out of it. You know the storm always gets worse before it gets better. The sun was shining and the roads were dry, it was like there had been no bad weather at all. At that very moment, it’s as if I heard God say, “When it gets hard don’t quit, persevere and keep going.” Then He took me back to all of those people that were back up the road sitting on the side of the road because it got hard and they quit. If they had just kept going, they would have come out on the other side where the weather was dry and full of sunshine. I told Gary what God had just shared with me and he just shook his head and smiled. When I tell you God takes care of us and protects us our here on these dangerous roads, you better believe it. I see Him working our here in our lives on a daily basis and I am so thankful for all He does, for all that I know He’s doing and all that I don’t know He’s doing. Because He is always working behind the scenes of your life, just don’t quit and don’t give up.

This is what God is saying to us, “When life gets hard don’t quit.” It doesn’t matter what it is, just don’t give up and quit because if you are a child of God, He’s got you. God knows what we need better than we know ourselves, He made us. We just have to trust Him and believe in Him and His Word even when it gets hard and we don’t think we can do it or just don’t want to do it. DO NOT QUIT. There is nothing too hard for God, there is nothing too small or too big for God to handle. Think about who we are talking about here, we are talking about the Almighty God, creator of the whole entire universe. We are talking about a God that just spoke things into existence. He didn’t lift a finger, He only lifted His voice and whenever He said “Let It Be” it was. Somebody better come get me because I am about to jump up and run around this truck. My God My God.

So, children of God. Please, please, please listen to me. Once again I will say, “God says when it gets hard don’t quit, persevere and keep going.” He is with you and He will never leave you. He will get you through whatever it is, just don’t quit. God Bless 🙂


Father, we come to You in the Mighty name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. When things in life gets hard and we want to quit and give up. Remind us of Who You are and what kind of God we serve. Bring us in remembrance of how You brought everything into existence with just Your Words. Remind us that whatever is not, it will become at the sound of Your voice. Help us to stay connected to You and trust and believe You and Your Word. In Jesus name we pray. Thank You Father. Amen