
Where’s Your Trust & Faith?

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone had a blessed night last night and a blessed rising this morning. Praying also that you spent some time with your Heavenly Father this morning before starting your day. Thank You Jesus.

Well, today is the day after the Presidential election, and it is still a good day no matter the outcome of the election. Psalm 118:24 reads, “This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Because whoever becomes our next President, there are still going to be a lot of unhappy people. Just don’t let you become one of those unhappy people and allow that decision to ruin your day. I am not saying we should not be concerned about that decision, but just don’t let it control you. Because as a child of God, you still have a lot to be thankful for and joyful about.

Even though we all decide who we would like to see become President and then we go and we vote for that person. We still have to realize that the person we chose is still just a man. He may have the power to run the country and make decisions that will affect everyone, good or bad. He may say a lot of things and make a lot of promises about much needed changes. Changes that he will make happen when he is elected, in which those things he promised to do may or may not happen. He may turn out to be nothing like you thought he was when you voted for him. Again, because His is still just a man.

So, I will ask you again. Where is your trust and faith, in whom are you putting your trust and faith? Psalm 146:3 reads, “Do not put your trust in princes, in mortal men, who cannot save.” Psalm 46:10 reads, “Be still and know that I am God.” Romans 10:9 reads, “When we put our faith in Jesus as our Savior, we are pleasing God.” So, my Bible tells me that all of my trust and faith should be in God, and not man. I am sure as children of God, your trust and faith is in God, as the Bible tells us it should be.

No matter which man wins the Presidential election, remember this. Jesus is still the King and He still sits on the throne and He never changes. Hebrews 13:8 reads, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” So, don’t allow yourself to stress about this world and all that it has to offer. Because at the end of everyday, God has the last and final say so. If you belong to Him as a child of God, you are in good hands no matter who becomes President. Just make sure you put your trust and faith in the right one, the One that can make things happen and keeps His Word and Promises. What He say’s He will do, He will do and what He say’s He will make happen, it will happen. Put and keep your trust and faith in God, always. God Bless 🙂


  • Callie Brown

    God is not concerned about who lives in the White House, He is concerned The actions of His people; God said if we humble ourselves and pray, seek to be in His presence and turn from our Disobedience towards Him, He would give us a taste of what is going on in heaven and he will heal our land, in other words, God is testing our faith in Him. Yes, I agree where is our trust and faith in God. Thank you for today’s lesson.

  • Callie Brown

    God is not concerned about who lives in the White House, He is concerned about the actions of His people; God said if we humble ourselves and pray, seek to be in His presence and turn from our Disobedience towards Him, He would give us a taste of what is going on in heaven and He will heal our land, in other words, God is testing our faith in Him. Yes, I agree where is our trust and faith in God. Thank you for today’s lesson.