
Who Are You Serving and Following?

Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. Praying you have spent some much needed time with the Father this morning. Getting our instructions for the day. Praise God.

I will be sharing a scripture with you this morning that I read in my devotion. It was one of those scriptures that makes you stop and think for a minute. The scripture comes from the Book of John 12:26 which reads, “Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.” Wow, even though it may be a short scripture, it is a very powerful scripture. It says a lot in a very few words.

There are a lot of things in the world today that people allow themselves to serve and follow. Things such as the world and things in the world, their flesh and fleshly desires, money, celebrities, different religions, careers and so on and so on. The only thing we should be serving and following, especially if we are Christians is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Following Jesus and obeying all of the instructions given to us by our Heavenly Father in His Holy Word. We find time for everything else in this world, but we can’t find the time to get before the Father in His Word and spend time with Him. Allowing Him to instruct us in our daily walk with Him and be obedient to what He instructs us to do. He has made everything so simple for us and we choose to make everything so hard.

As Jesus tells us in the above scripture, if we are serving Him then we should be following Him. How simple is that to understand. If you are a Christian and you have given your life to Christ and invited Him into your heart and saved. Then You have made Him Lord and Savior of your life and He has become in charge of your daily walk. Following after Him and doing all that He ask you to do , very simple. I know we sometimes see things in a different light and we take it upon ourselves to try and do things on our own. Thinking that we apparently can do some things better than Jesus can, which is an all out lie of the devil. There is nothing we can ever do better than Jesus, the one who guides our footsteps on this journey we call life.

God has already set the blue print in place as how we are to live this Christian life and all we have to do is read it, obey and follow. Make sure you are serving and following after Jesus and not something or someone else, especially not the flesh or that other guy. Get in the Word and follow Jesus and be honored by the Father. Can you imagine the kind of day you would have is God was honoring you for serving and following His Son Jesus Christ. Truly amazing and blessed and who doesn’t want days like that? I know I do and I pray you do as well. God Bless 🙂


Heavenly Father, we come to You this morning as Your children in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and our Lord and Savior. Coming to You and thanking You for guidance and direction on this journey that has been placed before us. Help us to always follow Jesus and follow all of Your instructions. We thank You and Amen.