
Who’s Leading Your Journey?

Good Thursday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone will have a safe and blessed day in the Lord. I know today is not my usual blog day, but I am trying some new things in this new year. I normally post a blog on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so now I am going to add in Tuesday and Thursday and post a blog Monday through Friday. I have a lot of time to spend with my Heavenly Father on this truck, so I am making good use of that time. Always reading, seeing, listening and hearing a good Word to share, so why not add two more days, right?

Before I get started with my post. I would like to wish my Mama a Happy Heavenly Birthday. I love you and miss you so much. I was told that moving forward without you would get easier with time. Well, June 9th of this year will be 3 years you have been gone and it has not gotten any easier. I love you Mama❤

My husband and I have started a new journey in this new year and I have to say it is a very exciting one. We had prayed about something that we wanted to do at the beginning of the New Year and felt in our hearts that we were moving in the right direction. We both agreed to allow God to lead us on this new journey and to listen and obey all instructions, not just the ones we agreed with. So far, it has been awesome, especially the part where you are waiting to see what God will do next. So amazing. Seeing something happen that you have prayed about and knowing it was God, just watching His Hand move in your life, truly amazing.

This is how our everyday journeys should be in our Christian walk as a child of God. No matter what we do or where we go, we should always get in the habit of consulting God first. We have to remember, God knows everything, He sees everything and He hears everything. Most importantly, God is everywhere we are and everywhere we are not, and where we are headed. So, why would you not wait and listen for your next move from someone with all of the information you would need for a safe and blessed journey? As I said once before, I heard a Pastor say that we can see to the corner, God can see around the corner. We can see to the top of the mountain, God can see over the mountain top. He knows what’s going to happen in our lives yesterday, today and tomorrow and all the days to come. Allow Him to work that plan out in our lives that He had set in place before we were ever born. Trust me, He is a much better guide than you and I could ever be.

We may not know what is ahead of us on our journey’s and we may not know which is the best way to go. This is why you need to trust the leading of God through out this entire journey. Since we have to make it anyway, why not just let Him lead the way, we follow and just enjoy the journey. That’s what my husband said to me one day, “He was just going to trust God’s leading and guiding and relax and enjoy the journey.” He has the right mind set because that is exactly what we should be doing every day, trusting God and enjoying the journey. Remember, the best time to get directions to anywhere is before you begin. Don’t start the journey and half way through you realize you are lost and don’t know which way to go. You either look at your map or turn on your GPS or already have your directions handy before you start your journey. Same way we should be doing with God, get with Him and get directions before we start instead of taking a lot of wrong unnecessary turns and getting lost and most of the time having to start all over again. Save yourself a lot of wasted time before hand and just seek God first and let Him lead and guide you all the way.

Psalm 119:105 reads, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” So, take the Word of God and let it be a lamp to your feet and a light for your path and have a safe and blessed journey in the Lord. God Bless 🙂


Father God, I come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, Your Son and my Lord and Savior. Asking that You will continue to lead us and guide us on the journey that we are on. Whether if is our Christian journey or a personal journey, continue to lead and guide us at all times. Even when we think we know the way and get off track, give us that little nudge to get us back on your chosen path for our lives. Thank You Father and Amen, Amen and Amen.

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