
Will You Be Ready When Jesus Returns

Good Wednesday Morning Blog Family. Praying everyone’s having an awesome week and staying cool. It has been really hot and these rain showers we are having makes it even hotter. Just continue to stay cool and follow Jesus and be blessed. Praise God.

A few of years ago I watched a movie titled “Sunday Morning Rapture.” I was searching for a Christian movie to watch. During and after watching this movie, it really made me think about my Christian walk. I even had my husband watch it when he came home, so I watched it twice. This movie made me take inventory of my life as a Christian and made me aware of things I should and should not be doing.

In this movie, people were going about their everyday lives, just like we are doing today. Some people were Christians and some were not, some people were believers and some were not. Because you can say you are a Christian and still not be a believer. The only difference in the movie was there was no pandemic they were having to deal with. This pandemic alone should be enough reason to make you give your life to Jesus if you haven’t already.

There were Christian families that had a lot of the same problems we are having today. These families were dealing with rebellious teens, husbands not wanting to attend church, blaming God for a miscarriage, financial needs not being met, a mother in the club, marriages falling apart. None of these people had time for Jesus, wanted no parts of Him. Living their own lives the way they wanted to live. Doing what they wanted to do and having a good time. Until the rapture happened and then it was too late.

I think the part of the movie that really made me think about my own life was all the people in the church that was left behind. These people attended church on Sunday mornings just like a lot of us today. When the rapture happened that Sunday morning during church. Half of the church including some of the ministers were left behind. One of the main ministers was asked why was he left? His response was he led a lot of people to Christ. He taught and preached the Bible but he wasn’t living what he was preaching.

Then there was the rich man that was offering God all his money, left with his money but no wife. The mother that was living to club said she was getting ready to start living right, the rebellious teens that wouldn’t listen were now left without parents. In these days and times we are living in, how could you not turn to God. This world is in a very terrible place right now and without God, it is only going to get worse. God is our only hope and if you don’t have God, you have nothing. Take time to make sure you, your family and loved ones are ready. Make sure they have given their lives to Jesus and belong to God.

So, I will ask the question again. Will you be ready when the rapture takes place? Matthew 24:36-37 reads, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.” Matthew 24:42 reads, “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come.” So, my advice is to keep watch and be ready. If you haven’t made things right with God, you need to do so now. Don’t be one of those people left standing and wondering, what happened? Because at that point, it will be too late.

If you pay close attention to the everyday events in this world and all of the chaos happening everywhere. You will truly believe the time is drawing very near for the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to return for His Bride. Get in your Bible and read about all of the things that are taking place right now or have already taken place. We are definitely living in the End Times and it is approaching quickly. So, as I said before, if you do not have your life in order and living for the Lord, you might need to start doing that now. Giving your life to Jesus and living for Him and Him only. Don’t make the mistakes that the people in the movie were making, thinking they had time. Remember He will come as a thief in the night when you are not expecting Him. Don’t be caught off guard, get ready and stay ready. God Bless 🙂 


Heavenly Father, we come to You in the Mighty Name of Jesus, You Son and our Lord and Savior. Giving You all of the honor, praise and glory that belongs to You. Thanking You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit for all You have done, all You are doing and all You will do in the lives of Your children. Lord, help us get ready and stay ready for Your return. We can look all around us and know that Your return is drawing near and that You will come as a thief in the night. Continue to lead and guide us in a way that will have us reading and waiting for that great day. We love You. Amen