
You Have To Believe

Good Monday Morning Blog Family. I pray everyone had a safe and blessed weekend and ready to start again. Thanking God for keeping us and our families last week during the snow, ice and very cold weather. Thanking Him for leading and guiding us through the upcoming week as He always has. Thank You Jesus.

This morning I want to put something on your mind that was put on mine this weekend. I know as Christians, we should have that one on one relationship with God. Accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and acknowledge the Holy Spirt is here with us. We should read and study the Word of God which is our Bibles, and we should pray and talk to God about everything. Seeking His face and His guidance on everything that has anything to do with us and our families.

I watched a movie this weekend where the rapture took place and people were disappearing. This young ladies mother had talked to her about giving her life to Christ, but they would always get into an argument. Because the daughter did not believe in all of what her mother was talking to her about. Well, the rapture happened that day and her mother and little brother were gone and she began to think about the things her mother had told her. She decided to go to the church to sit and think and found the pastor sitting there. When she started talking to the pastor, he was explaining to her what happened. She asked him if this is what happened, why was he still here. He said even though he knew the Bible, could quote scriptures and preach and teach the Word of God, he didn’t truly believe.

I wonder how many people out there are Christians but are not true believers? How many pastors, preachers and teachers are preaching and teaching the Word of God but don’t believe it for themselves? We as Christians have to stay in the Word of God. We have to have that one on one relationship with God, but we also have to believe. When we sit down and read and study our Bible, believe what you read and what is pointed out to you. Believe what God is saying to You in His Holy Word. Please don’t be an unbelieving believer.

When Jesus comes back for His bride, the church. He is coming back for His believers. Are you a true believer of Jesus Christ or are you just wearing the title of a Christian but you don’t really believe? Stop and take a minute and ask yourself that question. Do your really believe in God? Do really believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that He died on the cross for you and was raised on the 3rd day? Do you believe that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God? Do you believe the only way to Heaven is through Jesus Christ? Do you truly believe these things and all that the Bible tells us? I pray that you do.

I am a believing Christian and I believe what my Bible tells me and I believe every Word of God. If God said it, I believe it. Now is the time to make sure you are a believing Christian. As I said before, you can’t be cold or lukewarm, you have to be Hot. You need to be on fire for the Lord and believe His Holy Word. Believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Believe and trust God in all things. God Bless 🙂